Students With Children

Students raising children or other dependents have many responsibilities. Whether you are a parent, guardian or caretaker, Northwest Vista recognizes the unique challenges students with children face as they pursue their educational and career goals. Access to college doesn't just mean academic help; we are committed to helping overcome hurdles that keep students from reaching their goals.


Childcare at NVC

Free Childcare for Students for Select Evening/Saturday Spring Courses

Students enrolled in select Northwest Vista College (NVC) courses in Spring 2025 will get free childcare and free meals for their children ages 5-13 during the time that they are attending their evening or Saturday classes.

Space is limited and students are encouraged to register early to secure a spot for their child or children.

This opportunity is made possible through a partnership of Northwest Vista College with the YMCA of Greater San Antonio. YMCA staff will provide childcare on the NVC campus for children ages 5-13.

The following courses will have free childcare:

  • Saturday courses in Spring 2025 that meet between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

  • Evening courses that meet on Monday - Thursday between 5:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.

To receive free childcare:

Instructions on registration can be found at How to Register

For more information on childcare, please contact NVC Parenting at:

¡Buenas noticias para estudiantes con niños de 5 a 13 años!

En el semestre de primavera del 2025, Northwest Vista College (NVC) ofrecerá cuidado infantil GRATUITO y comida GRATIS para tus hijos mientras tú asistes a clases por la noche o los sábados.

Los espacios son limitados, así que te sugerimos que te inscribas lo más pronto posible para garantizar un lugar para tus pequeños.

Esto se logra gracias a la colaboración entre NVC y la YMCA de San Antonio, donde el personal de la YMCA se encargará de cuidar a tus hijos en las instalaciones de NVC.

¿Qué cursos aplican?

  • Cursos de los sábados (primavera 2025) de 9:00 am a 4:00 pm.

  • Cursos de la noche (lunes a jueves) de 5:30 pm a 9:00 pm.

¿Cómo inscribirte para el cuidado infantil gratuito?

  1. Inscríbete en al menos un curso en los horarios mencionados arriba.

  2. Envía un correo electrónico a [email address removed] para registrar a tu(s) hijo(s).

  3. Encontrarás las instrucciones de inscripción completas en Cómo inscribirte (enlace a instrucciones de inscripción).

¿Tienes más preguntas?

Contacta a NVC Parenting en

¡No te lo pierdas!


On-Campus Childcare Centers

The Alamo Colleges have nationally accredited, high-quality child development centers at three of our colleges. These resources are available to students attending any of the Alamo Colleges. Payment assistance and subsidized rates are available for qualifying students.

Palo Alto College

Ray Ellison Family Center


Learn More

San Antonio College

Early Childhood Center


Learn More

St. Philip’s College

Child Development Center


Learn More


As part of a district-wide commitment to student success and meeting the needs of students beyond the classroom, on-campus advocacy centers are available at all five Alamo Colleges.

We partner with different organizations to provide services like job assistance, food security, clothing, childcare, utility assistance, and mental health counseling.

General Student Advocacy Helpline:
NVC Advocacy Information:
210-486-HELP (4357)  CLICK HERE for more information on NVC's Advocacy & Resource Center Services

Connect with your college's advocacy center by clicking the link below.

NVC Student Advocacy Center

Check out a Few of our NVC Family/Kid Spots:


NVC Library Family Study Room 


NVC Kids Tables: Desert Willow Welcome Center and Advocacy Center



NVC Advocacy "The Store" Kids Checkout


Connect with your peers & college!

There are a lot of students who, like you, are raising children or other dependents in their care. Meet other student parents through the following groups to learn about events, resources and service information. All you have to do is click the button below, sign in with your ACES login, and click “Join.”

Alamo Colleges Student Parent Resource Network CLICK HERE

Join the Student Parent Network  on AlamoEXPERIENCE

Other Resources

Texas Workforce Commission Child Care Program

City of San Antonio Human Services

Expectant Mothers

Expectant mothers who need assistance are encouraged to receive support through our Student Success Services.  This includes, yet is not limited to our NVC Advocacy center and Access(DSS) support services. For more information please contact:

NVC Advocacy Center

Student Accessibility Services (Disability Support)


Lactation Rooms

Desert Willow Welcome Center room 104

Cedar Elm Stem Center room 214


Policy and Procedure

Policy and Procedure for Pregnant and Parenting Students can be located in the ACD Policy Manual, H.1.2 Civil Rights Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation and the procedure is H.1.2.4 Pregnant and Parenting Students.


Health Care Services

Primary health care services are available to students enrolled at any of the Alamo Colleges through Wellness 360 clinics, in partnership with UT Health San Antonio. Available to students with and without health insurance, the program will provide treatment for allergies, colds, and other minor health issues. 

Learn more about Wellness 360

Technology Resources

Technology resources, such as laptops rentals, are available for any currently enrolled Alamo Colleges student in need of reliable computer access. These resources are available free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Device Checkout and Low Cost Internet

Laptops are available for students.

Click Here for Laptop Checkout Information

Students should contact their home college’s Information Technology department during their hours of operation (Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.).

NVC: 210-486-4777


Our colleges offer a variety of FREE tutoring services students need to succeed academically. 

NVC Tutoring Services


The Alamo Colleges Foundation distributes financial awards from nearly 20 academic scholarship funds to support students raising children or other dependents. By submitting just one application each academic year, students with children will be considered for these scholarships and many more.

NVC Scholarships

The Alamo Colleges Foundation Scholarships

United Way Child Care Scholarships

NVC Student Parent Liaison Officers:

The NVC Student Parent Liaison Officers serves  students who are parents or guardians of children under 18 and provides  a range of resources to meet their needs that includes: promoting accessibility, privacy, and a comprehensive approach to support the academic and personal success of parenting students. Please contact our NVC Liaisons for  additional information or assistance:

Jennifer Comedy-Holmes -

Pamela Frias -